Stop Human Trafficking

It’s hard to believe in the 21st century slavery still exists in our world – but it does. Known as “modern day slavery”, human trafficking is the trade of people for the purpose of forced labor, sexual slavery and/or commercial sexual exploitation. 


An estimated 40 million people around the world are trapped in this dark underworld. Nearly 200 thousand incidents a year are reported in the United States alone; and those are just the known cases. Sexual exploitation is the most common form of human trafficking (79%), followed by forced labor (18%). Seventy percent of victims are female, 30% male and one in four are children.

Trust Coffee Company is committed to doing its part in the fight against these atrocities. As our customer, your purchases support the efforts of Short Creek Dream Center in Colorado City, Arizona. Short Creek staff, and those they partner with, tirelessly seek and help victims through rescue, safe havens, counseling and healing. Help us generously help them give the gift of freedom to so many captive lives.

The Mawanda Project

A portion of your purchase goes to support The Mawanda Project in Uganda, Africa. The objective of this organization is to provide food, education, housing, medical attention and the love of family for underprivileged children.

It all began in 2010 when Michelle Jue, a Southern California resident, visited Uganda and immediately fell in love with the community, culture and country as a whole. It was an instant connection. While volunteering, Michelle met Bonny Mawanda, a 12-year-old boy, whose family she stayed in contact with after returning to California. This experience, combined with her passion for helping others and cultivating relationships, still drives her today.

To date, The Mawanda Project has achieved many objectives on a very long list of needs. This includes building MD Standard School; but there is so much more to do. Trust Coffee Company is honored to support this extraordinary mission meeting the educational, physical, spiritual and emotional needs of the Ugandan children.

Rwanda Hingakawa Women's Coop

The Hingakawa Women’s Coop was birthed out of the darkest moments in Rwandan history. A brutal civil war between rival factions, the Hutu and Tutsi, amounted to nothing less than genocide. Hundreds of thousands lost their lives on both sides. Yet through this, it was the women who put their differences aside and agreed to fight a mutual enemy – poverty. Through their leadership, they have been able to move forward and heal their community.

Hingakawa means, “Let’s Grow Coffee.” It’s not just a statement, it’s a chant – a resolution to fight the epidemic of poverty that has taken lives and crippled so many households. Declaring enough is enough, the women of Hingakawa devised a plan to revitalize Rwanda by resurrecting the country’s dead coffee industry. With the help of several organizations, farmers were able to bring their coffee plantations back to life.

Today, the women’s coop is the heart of a thriving Rwandan coffee industry. The farms yield magnificent coffee, providing vital quality-of-life funding for families, education, health care and community concerns. Trust Coffee Company gladly supports the Women’s Coop by offering Rwandan coffee in some of our blends and as a single origin option.

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